July 21-26, 2025
Christ the King Vineyard
Cleveland, Ohio
Paul met Timothy when Timothy was very young. Immediately Paul saw his potential and spent years investing in Timothy’s gifts, training him as a leader, and releasing him into meaningful ministry. Project Timothy’s goal is to inspire, motivate, train, and release a group of young leaders in the Vineyard!
What to Expect
Throughout the week of Project Timothy, we will have regional and national speakers offering leadership and ministry training. Our teachings are both motivational and practical—by the end of the four year track, all students will have been trained in: giving a short teaching (depending on their year); leading a small group; organizing and leading an outreach; praying the 5-step model over people; and more! We also train and provide opportunities for personal reflection and time with God. Each night starts with a time of worship, followed by a teaching, and extended time for prophetic and prayer ministry. Students will conduct several community outreaches with the goal of igniting a lasting passion for outreach in their own communities. Of course you can't have PT without fun thrown in the mix! There will be a variety of recreational opportunities for students to build lasting friendships with Vineyard Youth from across the Great Lakes Region and beyond, including a trip to Cedar Point to round out the week of hard work and being equipped.
Application Process
Project Timothy (PT) is a leadership development program designed for incoming High School (9th-12th) students who are willing to commit to serving their local church. To apply, students should fill out the application linked below. Requirements for PT include a short, written essay, a recommendation from a Youth Leader of their choice, and a commitment to serve in their local church for one year. Students are encouraged to receive feedback on their essay from leaders that they trust, as Project Timothy is a selection based program and has limited spots available. Once Applications are submitted, students will be notified if they were accepted and will be sent information on how to make their payment.
Essay Prep
Listed below are questions and examples to help with writing the Project Timothy essay. Students should use this as a guide to help them think about their own leadership and growth areas as they prepare their applications.
Why do you want to go to Project Timothy?
What are some areas that you feel are strengths for you and what are areas you desire to grow in?
Being with Jesus: quiet time with God, hearing God's voice, reading the Bible, praying, etc.
Leadership Qualities: positively influence people, respected, faithful, available, servant-hearted, teachable, etc.
Leadership Skills: leading a small group, leading an outreach, praying for others, helping with a teaching, helping to lead worship, helping to lead ministry time, telling others about Jesus, mentoring others, etc.
Where are you currently serving, or where do you want to help serve in your church?